Friday, July 22, 2011

Proverbs 31:16

Proverbs 31:16

She considereth a field, and buyeth it; with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

The virtuous woman considered, or gave careful thought, before purchasing this field. A field is a very large purchase. The verse does not say that she consulted her husband first. His heart may have safely trusted in her, and allowed her to do such things. However, I believe a woman such as this, who was submitted to her husband, would have consulted him first.

In making a purchase without being able to check with our husbands first, there are a few things to consider:

*Is it something we really need?

*Do we really have extra money for it?

*Does it work well?

*Could we resell it or return it to the store if he decides we shouldn’t have gotten it?

I believe a wife should always consult her husband on purchases that are somewhat costly, if at all possible. It should not be “my money/his money” in a marriage, or the attitude “I can buy what I want.” It should be OUR money no matter who ‘earned’ it. In the institution of marriage, the couple is ONE. Matthew 19:5 ....For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

In the previous verses, we learned that she may have had her own business, but that does not mean it was HER money. He allowed her to work.

Having spending money is different. If your husband allows you to have your own money to spend however you like, you could buy whatever you want. However, I think the virtuous woman would still have been frugal and considered her purchase beforehand. I feel guilty when I spend money foolishly, except on eating out!

Consulting our husband first will help because he may see things from a different view. Men usually do. They are not emotional as we women are, or maybe not as impulsive. Would you want an emotional husband? Who would straighten us out when our hormones act up?!! God made us different. If there are 100 light bulbs on a wall, and 99 of them work and one does not, the man will look at that wall and say, “Oh well, 99 are working.” And he would be just fine with that. But the woman will look at the same wall and say, “I need that ONE light bulb fixed!!!” We think differently, and his thinking can save us from poor purchases.

Obviously, the virtuous woman worked ‘willingly with her hands’ and had fruit from her labors, and planted a vineyard, and also maintained it. Surely she had her children working with her (although the Bible does not say). It develops good character in them. I doubt that they were indoors watching TV or on the computer while their mother was working feverishly pulling weeds. We must train them to work.

It appears that she made a wise investment because later in the chapter, we see that she sells her merchandise(verse 24). What could it have been that she sold? Grape juice, jelly, jam? What if she began the lineage of the family who provided the grape juice(new wine) that Jesus Christ drank?? What an important task!

No matter how small or unimportant we may think our job is, it is GREAT in the sight of our Lord. Our ministry of our home, husband, and children is the most important job of all. We are to be encouragers, nurturers, spiritual guides to our children, teachers of good things, (Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;....) and so much more. Homes are falling apart because the mom is not home to guide her children. Don’t allow the world to make you feel inferior because you aren’t a ‘successful’ person by their standards. We may not always be the perfect wife and mother, but I know in time our children will appreciate all we did for them while they lived with us. Someday, I hope to hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant" for the efforts I've put forth as a wife and mom. Earthly gain is not my priority, but that our children grow up to love God with their hearts, and that they will want to serve Him with their lives, wherever He may lead. (Yes, even if it means taking my grandson away and live in Texas!)

One day YOU will be the older teaching the younger, in one way or another. What will your example be?


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