Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Proverbs 31:21,22

Proverbs 31:21,22
She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household is clothed with scarlet.  She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing 
is silk and purple.
The first thing I notice about these verses is that she planned ahead for her children’s clothing before the cold weather began. She probably had to sew their clothing, so she would have had to work hard to get their garments made during warmer months. Not only did she prepare in advance, but also clothed them with scarlet. This doesn’t mean she had to have the most expensive things, but quality items that would be the best for her money. There is nothing wrong with used clothing, if it’s in good shape when you spend your hard-earned money on it. Be sure they are a nice fit and good quality to last for more than one child, if possible. Many people shop clearance racks at the ends of the seasons, and have those clothes, in larger sizes of course, for the next year.
I also see that the verse mentions her children’s needs before hers. I believe she put their needs before her own, and was certainly an unselfish person. 
Notice the word ‘coverings’. No doubt in Bible days and in their culture they didn’t wear anything close to what we do as Americans. However, the word ‘covering’ still applies to anyone in any age. There’s a reason for that. This isn't about women wearing pants. In fact, sometimes pants are more modest than some skirts. More importantly, the subject is modesty.
1 Timothy 2:9-10 says, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
What is modest apparel? The word ‘modest’ in the dictionary means: 
1.  Properly restrained by a sense of propriety.
2.  Not bold or forward.
3.  Not loose; not lewd.
4.  Moderate; not excessive or extreme; not extravagant.
Our apparel must not give indication of boldness, forwardness, looseness, or lewdness. What does that mean? Well, what parts of a woman’s body are men and young men most attracted to????? To put it bluntly, those parts would be the breasts, legs, and rear. If we wear clothing that enhances or purposely attracts a guy’s eyes to these, or any parts, then WE are causing them to look, and possibly lust, after us. Men are aroused by sight; women by touch. Men naturally want to look. 
Proverbs 27:20 Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.
You might say, “Well, if that guy has to look, then he has a problem.” Being a born-again Christian does not take away a man’s desire to look at a woman. Men are created with certain desires toward the opposite sex. This is very much a part of God’s plan, and you will learn to thank God that your husband is “geared” this way.  Within the confines of marriage, a man’s drive and desire is a wonderful and fulfilling thing.  Hebrews 13:4  Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled:  but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. A woman, wanting to be desired physically and sexually is natural, and clean, within the confines of marriage. Wanting to be desired of other men, however, is wicked.  If we dress in a way that makes men lust, then it is OUR fault.                   Matthew 5:28...That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. If we are the cause of this, then we are considered having committed adultery.
I have read an account of a young man when, in his teen years, his youth pastor's family sat in front of him in church. The youth pastor’s wife was wearing a very tight, clingy skirt, revealing every curve. It was inevitable that he saw her rear throughout the service, and had such a problem, that lust consumed him. After that, he became deeply involved in pornography. It was her dress that initiated it.
Read Proverbs 7, about the strange woman.
Here are some questions to ponder:  Why would we WANT to dress in such a way as to make men to look at us? What is our motive? Do we like the attention? Do we like the idea that other men might be attracted to us? Do we have to show off our attractive figure? Are we in competition with other women, trying to ‘outdo’ them? Do we have to keep up with the styles and fashions so we aren’t embarrassed or criticized because of the so-called ‘outdated’ clothing we wear to hide parts of our bodies? Why is cleavage so acceptable in today’s fashion? Cleavage is intriguing for a man, sparking his imagination. When our son, Garrett, was only four years old, he made a drawing of a girl with a low-cut top, and a line of cleavage. When I asked him who it was, he said it was a young girl from church. 
Perhaps you dress how your husband or boyfriend wants you to. But are parts of your body being revealed to other women’s husbands? You must realize that your husband/boyfriend is not the only guy seeing those parts of YOUR body. How do you feel when another attractive female causes your husband/boyfriend to look at her breasts, butt, or legs? Why do we want other men seeing parts of us that only our husbands should see behind closed doors? If we do everything possible to dress modestly and men STILL have a problem, then it is not our fault. But ARE we doing everything possible?
To turn the situation around, what are we attracted to about a man that might cause a problem for us? What if men came to church revealing those parts of their bodies that we like to look at? How would it affect you spiritually? Would you be distracted from the preaching?
As Christians, we should want to do everything possible NOT to cause a problem for another Christian. If we truly love the brethren, we would try to do whatever we could to HELP them be a better Christian, not cause them to stumble. Provocative dress is rampant in the world. However, when nakedness is brought into the church, it creates confusion, lust, jealousy, envy, and uncleanness. The church should be a safe place for our men to come and not have to struggle with it here as well. This is one way in which we, as women, can show brotherly kindness. We should all raise our levels of consciousness and awareness as to not be a problem for our brothers in Christ.